Thank goodness for conservation groups like The Land Trust for Tennessee. This group has protected 60,000 acres of scenic and historic lands in this state. What a tragedy if these beautiful open spaces were to become crowded with concrete and commotion! The painting group I belong to, The Chestnut Group, is partnering with The Land Trust this coming weekend on October 22-23 to raise money for the Trust. This fundraiser, which includes live music, catering, and an art sale, is called the Once in a Blue Moon Show. Stop by if you can! For more details, call Beth Thomas at 244-5263.
The areas shown below are protected by The Land Trust, unless otherwise specified. I took the photos, except for the one that shows me painting the moon; that photo was by Chestnut member Bitsy King. I admit, this blog is morphing into a painting, drawing, and photography journal!
Click any photo to enlarge.
The following series of photos are from the living area of Hyde-Away Farm. This farm encompasses 200 acres of fields and woodlands. The Hyde family have a hidden-away home, guest house, and accommodations nestled in the woods. |
The driveway leading to Hyde-Away Farm
The guest house, aka the "bunk house." |
The outdoor "living room" and fire pit. This is a view from the little round window on the bunkhouse. |
I love this bathroom! Outdoor, stonewalled shower included. |
Here's where some Chestnut members had their lunch break after painting at Hyde-Away Farm. Looks fun, doesn't it?
The properties below are not Land Trust protected, but they are neighboring areas too beautiful not to photograph and share.
Quaint, storybook farmland |
How Americana is that? |
Another scenic farm |
Now we are at Aubrey Preston's Farm in Leiper's Fork. I LOVE this place!! The equines get up close and personal, whether they're staring at you as you paint, nosing through your paint bag, or nibbling on your arm. The first time I painted on this property, a little brown donkey picked up a wet 4x5 painting and tried to walk off with it! Little thief!
Somehow this painter can still concentrate on her painting. |
I also call Aubrey's farm "The Donkey Farm…" |
…for obvious reasons! |
Here's a photo from a place with gorgeous views and a funny name: Fiery Gizzard.
I'm painting from Raven's Point, off the Fiery Gizzard trail |
Here's another incredibly scenic area: Lost Cove, near Sewanee, TN. All photos are from my paint-outs from the last few months to present, except for this one, which is from August 2010.
There are dozens more Land Trust Properties, but I wanted to include a few highlights from my paintings activities of the last few months. It's breathtaking to see all these panoramas and quaint vignettes in one swoop, and to realize that it takes effort and vigilance to keep these areas in their natural state.