
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thicker and Faster, Featuring the Back Yard

As mentioned in the previous post, I started laying down paint thicker, and haven't been able to go back. I really love watching the different colors smear together on the canvas. I also get fun, 3D brushwork in unpredictable patterns and textures. I used to be a little nervous about appearing sloppy, but I'm going to put that aside so that I can get comfortable with thicker paint.

I also want to paint faster. I'm toying with the idea of taking a plein air painting trip somewhere. I feel I need to be able to record what I see quickly, so I can move on to the next scene, especially if I decide to paint as I travel. I also want to get higher numbers of better quality paintings in a short time, so I won't be overly disappointed with my work after returning from the trip. This need for increased skill motivates me to practice more. So I'm making things simple and painting my back yard fairly often. 

I painted this scene between 8 and 9 am. I quickly slap on the paint, and slap layer on layer when corrections are needed. I managed to finish in just over an hour. I was initially self-conscious about the roughness, but some encouraging comments from members of my art group helped me out. Thanks!! :)

Yup, there's fence damage to the right, and an abandoned gate from my ex's bygone plan to add onto the fence. But you can't argue, this is much more interesting to paint than a geometrically flawless fence. Besides, I hate straight lines.

Technical note: This photo above has warmer color than most of the other photos because it was taken in indoor light. The blue-ish bar across the top is a photo defect often added by my digital camera when I photograph art in indoor light. Most of the photos below were taken with outdoor light, which often over-saturates the blues, but usually creates a sharper image, and eliminates the blue bar across the top.
Painted with manic speed, at least by my standards. It's a strange experience; there is no time to think. I didn't fret much over the composition, which is why there's an extreme bark close-up to the left.  This scene was from about 2:30 to 3:30 pm. 
Painted from about 8-9:30. Too slow... I got overtaken by the shifting grass shadows. What started out as a single, thick, diagonal green beam transformed into numerous sprawling tentacles. I initially over-bleached the two side-by-trees, and ended up re-painting them using my camera LCD screen and a previous painting as a reference. Must paint faster without screwing up light/dark values. *gulp*
I painted this one from the view out my kitchen window. (The photo is nice and warm because I took it with indoor light.) The painting took about an hour, but it was a little easier because of the smaller sized canvas. I need to get that grubby little shrub whacked down—it blocks the base of the "twin" trees. I didn't want to paint it out, because that would require me to think and slow down.

1 comment:

  1. This article is very helpful and informative. Thank you for sharing!
